With a business account, you have access to tools and benefits that offer cost-effective shipping solutions tailored to your business needs.

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We sent an email validation to user@companyname.com. Please note that this link is only valid for 10 minutes and one use only. Follow the link in the email to continue the account creation process. If you're having trouble finding the email, please be sure to check your spam folder.

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Privacy Act Statement.
Your information will be used to verify your identity using enhanced remote identity proofing when registering for a Business account, to improve the security of the registration process, and to identify and mitigate potential fraud. Collection is authorized by 39 U.S.C. 401, 403, 404, and 411. Providing your information is voluntary, but if not provided, we may not be able to verify your identity online when registering for a Business account. We do not disclose your information without your consent to third parties, except for the following limited circumstances: incident to legal proceedings involving the Postal Service; for law enforcement purposes; to a congressional office on your behalf; to agents or contractors when necessary to fulfill a business function; to a U.S. Postal Service auditor; to labor organizations as required by applicable law; to government agencies in connection with decisions as necessary; to agencies and entities for financial matters; and for customer service purposes. For more information on our privacy policies visit www.usps.com/privacypolicy.